Spotify + Ubuntu

Following the instructions on makes a smooth install, and Spotify have worked pretty well under Ubuntu with Wine.  But since Ubuntu 9.10 I've had some problems with sound in Spotify. It can run smoothly for approx 15 minutes, and then the sound goes parkinson… Is it Wine? Is it Ubuntu? Is it Alsa? I know that running Ubuntu does not guarantee that the latest Wine or Alsa drivers are installed, and probably a lot of users upgrade these packages. So did I, but the problem remained. My latest try here is changing from ALSA to Esound driver in Wine configuration settings (just run winecfg from the terminal). So far it seems to have solved my problems. So..anyone else tried this? Problem solved? Or did you solve a similar problem by doing something completely different? Let me know..

1 thought on “Spotify + Ubuntu”

  1. I must confirm now that after running Wine/Spotify for one month with the Esound driver instead, i've had zero problems with Spotify.

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