This summer have been crazy! A pretty rainy swedish summer fitted my plans perfectly. Surftown webhosting had one of their worst periods ever, and a total datacenter failure was added to my list of reasons to move to another hosting company.I already had two domains at Hostgator, and needed to move my four other domains in order to close my Surftown account. Cutting hosting costs in half and getting better performance and functionality is enough to motivate anyone.
I managed to produce a step-by-step list on how to move a regular site, a wordpress site and domain, to another webhost. This included taking care of domain management in case of national topdomains that the new host doesnt cover (like .se domains..).
Feel free to ask about specific details until I get my step-by-step post up at Until then, I truly recommend Hostgator. You can do pretty much anything, and if you get stuck they have support that will fix your problems asap. Unlike some other hosting company, referring to public forums..bah!