We've talked about antivirus, firewalls, and the battlezone on the Internet in the previous three parts. Here comes the fourth and last part.
The soft stuff can get you into hard times
When talking about Information security and IT security, we sometimes talk about "soft security". Stuff that doesn't necessary mean you can tweak a setting or install a security gadget. It's about routines, behavior, and applying proper knowledge at the right moment. When talking about information security, we can might as well mix this with physical security.
Lets analyze. Think of all the places and situations where your information can be exposed to unauthorized persons. I will help you get started, and try to focus on places and situations where valuable and sensitive information is exposed. I'll start out with a list of places and information types.
Place/Information holder | Information type(s) | Consider this |
Home computer |
Network storage |
Drawer Binder Bookshelf |
Your website |
Car |
Wallet |
USB stick |
Hospital |
Restaurant/night club |
Tips and tricks
Digital Disaster Recovery plan
Set up your own disaster recovery plan. In case of fire or theft with heavy loss of information and other assets, you still need to have access to insurance policies, phone numbers, passwords etc. This kind of information usually does not require much space. Here's a way to do it.
- Set up an online storage. I recommend DropBox. It's free, and synchronization is automatic.
- Critical information like phone numbers etc should be placed in a specific folder on your computer.
- Passwords and certificates should be placed in the same folder, but additionally you might want to encrypt this information.
- Set up the folder to be synchronized with DropBox. Lets name it "Recovery".
- Now, any information you update in "Recovery" (including encrypted files) will be synchronized to your online DropBox account immediately after you save changes. The folder "Recovery" on your DropBox account will always be identical to the "Recovery" folder on your computer.
- Now, we want to make sure you have access to your DropBox account from any computer. DropBox have a web login, so you can access it anywhere as long as you have your login credentials.
- Method 1: Use a simple password, that can be remembered. No need to manage passwords on other media.
- Method 2 (recommended): Use an encrypted USB stick, with an easy to remember password. Store your DropBox credentials encrypted on the USB stick. Attach the USB stick to your keychain (if you always carry it with you), or place it for safe keeping at your grandma's house. Be aware! To be safe in case of a fire, the USB stick must be stored on a different location. Not your neighbor house.
- If bad things happen – use your friends or work computer, get the login credentials from your encrypted USB stick on your keychain, login to DropBox. You now have access to contact information, banking credentials, family photos, or any information you dont want to be destroyed in a fire or earthquake.
A small list of other resources on this topic
KeepIt.com Unlimited Back-Up
Hidden wireless network storage
In case of a break-in with heavy loss of assets in your home, there are always some things you absolutely do not want to loose. Pictures and footage of your children, family vacation photos etc are priceless. Let technology help you out in securing those assets. A wireless storage attached to your local network is a great solution, especially if it can be hidden.
- Get a NAS (see sample selection below). NAS stands for "Network Attached Storage", and come in two basic flavors: Cable or wireless. There are also other differences like RAID (multiple discs), but I leave that aside in this post.
- Install method 1: Attach it to your network with a network cable. In this specific case we want it to to be hidden, so this would require the switch or router you attach it to, to be hidden as well. Consider the fact that a cable can be followed around your house or apartment, and the NAS will be revealed.
- Install method 2 (recommended): Use a wireless NAS and use it only with wireless connection. You first need to set up the wireless NAS by attaching it with a cable to your computer, and when finished with the setup you can go with the wireless only. Setup is usually pretty easy. Every NAS comes with install discs and/or step-by-step install instructions. Anyone can do this.
- Once installed on the network, make sure you can easily connect to it from your computer. This is usually pretty straightforward with Windows or Linux. On Windows, just follow the guides. The NAS will show up under "Network" and "Your computer". On Linux, a NAS storage (given that it supports the SAMBA protocol) is accessible by browsing to "smb://your-nas-name" or "smb://your-nas-IP". Make sure you know where to click on your computer to start browsing your NAS. Of course, most NAS support Mac as well.
- Hide it! Make sure to hide the NAS anywhere a thief isn't likely to look for valuables. To be even more safe, put it in a box or similar that can be bolted to a table or wall. Things to consider: Make sure that wireless connection is sufficient. The attic or the garage might be perfect places, but may not work if wireless connection is bad. Also, make sure that humidity and temperature is ok. Too hot is far worse than too cold, and moisture can damage the NAS. Also, if hidden in a wall, box or furniture, make sure that air exchange is sufficient. The NAS needs fresh air to keep cool, and if the location is too enclosed it will run hot. And make sure that electrical wiring is ok. You want to minimize the risks, not increase them.
A list of recommended hardware
Thecus SOC – RJ-45 Network, Type A USB N2200
TrendNet 2-Bay SATA I/II Network Storage Enclosure TSS402
Promise Smartstor NS4600 Network Attached Storage
Safe credit card receipt disposal
Credit card receipts and other papers revealing sensitive information should not be thrown in the garbage without making sure it's not readable. Smart tip:
- Search your pockets and wallet for slips, papers notes, not needed anymore.
- Squeeze them all in your fist, like you would if you were about to throw it in the trash.
- Stick your fist under warm running water, letting the "ball of paper" getting all soaked.
- Squeeze tightly a couple of times, and make a solid paper ball.
- Throw the wet paper ball in the garbage.
– Peeling a wet paper ball will only get you small unreadable pieces of paper. Peeling a dried paper ball will get you the same.
This was the last part in my series of posts regarding personal Information security. Have I left something out? Do you have questions or suggestions? Post a comment, and get the discussion going.
Other related posts:
Manage your personal Information security, part 1
Manage your personal Information security, part 2
Manage your personal Information security, part 3