Company information analysis
Arbi star rating
Arbi Recommendation:
Applied Materials have shown good strength during 2021, with solid reports. It is somewhat volatile, giving the opportunity to swing-trade between $130 – $145. The stock seems to have a correction phase with prices below $130. Given the metrics, stability, and overall performance, this is a very strong buy below $145, in a 6-12 month (or longer) horizon.
Strong buy
Metrics is the summary of all relevant metrics such as PE, EPS, ROI etc. Calculated by Arbi.
External is the Arbi calculated view of external recommendations.
SPR is the Arbi calculated score of a companys Strength Potential and Risks.
Value is the Arbi calculated value score based on metrics and current price.
Resilience is how stable the stock has performed in a 1-5 year period.
Star rating is the Arbi internal rating score. (1-4 stars)
Arbi uses a proprietary internal software to analyse stocks. This is a non-commercial software, not available publicly.